Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes
Hôtel Les Pilotes

Hôtel Les Pilotes

62 Rue de la Ferté, 80230 Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France

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Condições específicas

Informações de pagamento

  • Pagamento em dinheiro aceito neste hotel


  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorLes chambres sont vintages mais l’atmosphère romantique y est intemporelle
  • restaurant
    Iguarias gourmet Le bistrot bar vous réchauffe le cœur autant que le palais
  • view
    Vistas de cortar o fôlegoVous resterez bouche baie devant celle de la Somme


Welcome to Les Pilotes: A quietly chic hotel setting, like a private home.

In the heart of the Baie de Somme, completely renovated in 2012, the hotel Les Pilotes combines refinement, elegance, warmth, vintage spirit and modern comfort (flat screen TV, free Wi-Fi, safe deposit boxes, mini bars, courtesy tray...). With its exceptional location, Les Pilotes offers a breathtaking view of the Bay.

Here, the notion of a hotel with a human face takes on its full meaning. Each of our 25 uniquely decorated rooms is designed to optimise your well-being. The Bistrot des Pilotes offers a convivial table inspired by local and seasonal products where the chef composes a slate dictated by the daily arrivals. You can also enjoy our seafood and discover a wide selection of wines.

The bar, warm and original, like a boat suspended on the bay, welcomes you with a cup of tea, a glass of wine, a nice plate of oysters or cold cuts. You can sit down in peace and quiet or play a game of backgammon or tarot with friends.

Serviços do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento Próximo
Estacionamento Próximo

Perguntas frequentes

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62 Rue de la Ferté, 80230 Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, France

308 806 143