Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire
Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire

Urban Style Hôtel Saint Claire

29 Place Nicolas Bachelier, Toulouse, France

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Informações de pagamento

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  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorProfitez d’une chambre élégante avec une literie haut de gamme; promesse d’une escapade romantique.
  • bar
    Máxima SimpatiaSon bar sera le point de départ de vos meilleurs happy hours !
  • wifi
    Sempre conectadosLa vie est belle avec du WiFi ultra-rapide !

Nestled in a little plaza in the Saint-Aubin neighbourhood, also called the “Montmartre Toulousain”, the Saint-Claire Hotel renews and modernizes a contemporary decoration. A subtle design combining floral prints, strong colours, but also some contemporary textures, and Pierre Frey house signed tapestries. Both original and refined, this unique place shall seduce you with its comfort, and its character.

Four floors, four artists, each one with its own level and style, all from Toulouse, Mondé, Reso, Soone and Fabien Sans decorate the sixteen rooms.

The eclectic world of Saint-Claire shall please everyone...

Serviços do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento pago
Estacionamento pago
Estacionamento Próximo
Estacionamento Próximo
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)
Serviço de concierge
Serviço de concierge

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29 Place Nicolas Bachelier, Toulouse, France

308 806 143