Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel
Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel
Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel
Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel
Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel
Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel

Mercure Granville Le Grand Large Hotel

5 Rue de la Falaise, Granville, France

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Informações de pagamento

  • Pagamento em dinheiro aceito neste hotel


  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorOubliez les voitures et la ville, les chambres avec balcon donnent sur la mer
  • view
    Vistas de cortar o fôlegoLa plage est juste en face, mais le solarium de la terrasse offre une belle vue aussi
  • well-being
    Bem-estar de RealezaParfumez votre quotidien de luxe dans cet hôtel rendant hommage à Christian Dior

Set in the former villa of Christian Dior's childhood friend, the Mercure Granville Le Grand Large pays tribute to the great couturier through its decor. With a meeting room, fitness room, and beauty center, it is prized for its balcony rooms, direct access to the beach, and terrace solarium with panoramic view of the Channel Islands. Try a Chausey lobster or seafood platter with this breathtaking view.

Serviços do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência

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5 Rue de la Falaise, Granville, France

308 806 143