Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella
Hotel Duchessa Isabella

Hotel Duchessa Isabella

Via Palestro, 70, Ferrara, FE, Italia

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  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorIn camere maestose come queste, non potevano mancare le delizie del minibar
  • well-being
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  • nature
    Porto SeguroIl giardino è così tranquillo che si può sentire cadere uno spillo

In the heart of Ferrara, masterpiece of the Dukes d'Este, a splendid sixteenth-century house awaits fot you with an indoor park, hotel, bar, living rooms and meeting room. The rooms with coffered ceilings with pure gold friezes, authentic lacquered doors 500, chimneys with ancient colonnades, frescoes with slendid colors by the Ferrara school, offer a particularly refined atmosphere, together with the pleasure of tasting at the court of the Estensi. La Ferrara degli Estensi is historically recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the north of Italy and right here, between the splendor of the Renaissance palaces and the streets that enlivened the rich ducal court, is the Hotel Duchessa Isabella, an elegant 5 star hotel in the historic center, formerly Relais & Chateaux and now a member of the Dimore d'Epoca.

Serviços do hotel

Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento Gratuito
Estacionamento Gratuito

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Via Palestro, 70, Ferrara, FE, Italia

308 806 143