The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam
The Hoxton, Amsterdam

The Hoxton, Amsterdam

Herengracht 255, 1016 BJ Amsterdam, Nederland

Seleccione a sua data

Reserva padrão Dayuse
10:00 - 16:00

Cosy Room
Cama de casal
Cancelamento gratuito
Sem pagamento on-line
€ 149
€ 310 à noite

Condições específicas

Informações de pagamento

  • Pagamento em dinheiro aceito neste hotel


  • restaurant
    Iguarias gourmet Zin om even snel koffie te pakken, trek een ontspannend ontbijt of een cocktail tot laat in de nacht? Wij hebben het voor u geregeld met 24-uursservice
  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorDe suites, waar vroeger de burgemeester woonde, omarmen de unieke geschiedenis en bieden een prachtig uitzicht op de gracht
  • architecture
    Lugar InspiradorGeïnspireerd door de diversiteit van de buurt biedt dit hotel gezellige ruimtes om rond te hangen met de locals

The Hoxton, Amsterdam opened its doors on Herengracht in 2015. Made up of 5 canal houses, the building was once home to the Mayor, way back in the 17th century. Now it houses 111 rooms spread across 5 floors with plenty of quirks including some monumental ceilings and lots of canal views – we're lucky enough to have canals on each side of the building.

Downstairs, there's the restaurant, Lotti's, run in partnership with Soho House & Co; Up Top, our mezzanine coffee and cocktail den, lobby bar; and The Apartment, our meeting and event space, which doubles up as a home to Hoxtown.

Serviços do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)
Acesso para Deficientes (a pedido)
Animais aceitos
Animais aceitos

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Herengracht 255, 1016 BJ Amsterdam, Nederland

308 806 143

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