北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort
北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort

北投春天酒店 Spring City Resort

No. 18, Youya Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112003 , Taiwan

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  • restaurant
    Iguarias gourmet 結合傳統懷石及新式創意的和風日式套餐最適合在泡湯後享用
  • pool
    Água Cristalina九種SPA功能池,享受親子時光
  • bathroom
    Casa de banho de sonho輕鬆自在的渡假氣息,釋放在觀音石浴池中的白磺原湯


Located in Beitou, Spring City Resort is near the Yangmingshan National Park and is surrounded by a natural environment. It provides a hot spring, spa, and beautiful views of Guanyin Mountain and Guandu Plain. The air is fermented with the smell of sulfur and green shower (phytoncide), diluting the exhaustion caused by the hustle and bustle all the way.  

Located near Liuhuanggu (Sulfur Valley,) Spring City Resort offers pure and milky coloured springs for guests. The pH level of this spring is considered a weak acid, which is acceptable for the human body. The springs are said to boost the immune system, and even be therapeutic for arthritis and dermatosis. Source: Yangmingshan Hot SpringType: white sulfur spring; pH level:4-5; Temperature:50-90。Character: Milky white and half-transparent The open-air bath of Spring also has a variety of SPA function pools, allowing you to relieve your physical and mental stress, and you will be happy! 

The famous "Bamboo Forest Pavilion" is the most distinctive Japanese restaurant in Beitou, and it is also the only hot spring feast in Beitou that can serve a Japanese "table feast". The master's superb craftsmanship, fresh natural ingredients, and ingenious combination, As if playing a symphony of magnificent vision and delicate taste buds, made people mesmerized and unforgettable for a long time.

Serviços do hotel

Centro Comercial
Centro Comercial
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência
Wifi Gratuito
Wifi Gratuito
Estacionamento Gratuito
Estacionamento Gratuito
Estacionamento Próximo
Estacionamento Próximo
Piscina no telhado
Piscina no telhado
Spa(NT$ 800)
Transporte para o Aeroporto (Cobrado)
Transporte para o Aeroporto (Cobrado)(NT$ 1.200)

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No. 18, Youya Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112003 , Taiwan

308 806 143