Mercure George Hotel Reading
Mercure George Hotel Reading
Mercure George Hotel Reading
Mercure George Hotel Reading
Mercure George Hotel Reading

Mercure George Hotel Reading

10-12 King Street, Reading RG1 2HE, UK

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Informações de pagamento

  • Pagamento em dinheiro aceito neste hotel


  • room
    Um quarto acolhedorRecover from life for a while (no judgements here) in a stylish and cosy room
  • restaurant
    Iguarias gourmet Head to Prezzo for an authentic Italian meal. So yummy!
  • architecture
    Lugar InspiradorThe oldest building in Reading! Get your camera ready for beautiful original features

Considered by many to be the oldest building in Reading, the historic Mercure George Hotel is said to date back as far as 1423. Complete with original features, including the original timbers in the main entrance, the hotel provides a throwback to the city's great and varied heritage. The stylish bedrooms each have a private modern bathroom, while modern facilities are provided throughout. Due to the current road closure on Duke Street, guests can access our car park via Queens Road.

Serviços do hotel

Bar / Café
Bar / Café
Sala de Conferência
Sala de Conferência

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10-12 King Street, Reading RG1 2HE, UK

308 806 143